You may have seen this on our website and Facebook page. What does this mean? Why would you want to do it with your dog? Is there truly any benefit? Let’s explain what this phenomenon is all about.

IMG_0331Social Pack Walk (SPW) is the act of walking your dog with like-minded owners in a somewhat controlled fashion. It is that simple. Take a stroll in a certain place at a certain time and know that no one is going to look at you and judge the way your dog acts.   You can walk as close as the dogs are comfortable. Though this is not a ‘trainer’ walk there may be a trainer in your midst and it is OK to ask questions. Our goal is for every human and dog to have an enjoyable time with no stress. In order for this to happen, we implement a few guidelines.

We ask for at least 5’ distance between dogs to begin the walk so the animals have time to adjust to what is happening and get their stride.   (if you think you want more space, let the walk leader know in advance of introductions.) As the walk goes along, you will see dogs walking side by side or closer which is completely acceptable as long as all dogs stay calm and relaxed. You are your dog’s advocate; if you need more space, ask for it! SPW people will actually listen to you and move away without the phrase “but MY dog is friendly!”. Since we are force free trainers we appreciate that if you choose to join us on a walk to leave your aversive equipment at home (aversive would be choke chains, pinch collars and, electronic collars). We expect you to show up with rewards of a tug toy or treats.

Dog Walk Group Boulder Longmont ColoradoIs your dog friendly and easy going? We love you! Your nice calm dog helps the dog with a few challenges gain some confidence. You are giving him a great new association to being around other dogs that the owner doesn’t get on their own neighborhood walk. Bring you happy friendly dog!

We held our first SPW in September and had a wonderful diverse turnout including: a Sheltie, Labrador, Belgian Malinois, Golden Retriever, 2 Bernese Mountain Dogs and a recently adopted mix puppy. Since then we average about 6-8 dogs per walk.

We enjoy training people and their dogs in our everyday life; but to relax with friends, their dogs and a beautiful Colorado morning; well that is priceless. If you would like to join us for future SPW’s, like our Facebook page or visit the calendar on our website.